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https://www.haydnsymons.com/work/%work-category%/leviathan-book-cover/ Leviathan Book Cover English Asked by author Piers Husband, Haydn has produced this book cover illustration. Illustrating for his new book, Leviathan. Released as the second instalment, it follows ‘Thus Urizen Spoke: The Coin, the Raven and the Beat of the Drum’. The plot... https://www.haydnsymons.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/leviathan-book-cover_thumb.jpg 2023-04-6

Leviathan Book Cover

Asked by author Piers Husband, Haydn has produced this book cover illustration. Illustrating for his new book, Leviathan. Released as the second instalment, it follows ‘Thus Urizen Spoke: The Coin, the Raven and the Beat of the Drum’.

The plot tells the story of New Cross, a small village that sits in the middle of a seismic event in space. This event occurs when infinite earths collide, disturbing the surrounding village forest. The cause of this catastrophe is a demon that masquerades as a book. This demon states ‘the evil gateway to dimensional hell’, or it’s ancient name – Leviathan.

James Montgomery discovers a magic mirror that allows him to talk to the god Pan and access to the white tower. A place where all reality reveals in its true light. But beware, visitors have thrown themselves from the tower to the rocks below.

Illustrated with gouache, watercolour and digital, this piece focuses on the forest within New Cross, that demonizes the village. Deep dark shadows crawl the exterior walls, which focuses on the sinister tone of the book.

If you liked this book cover illustration, take a look at Haydn’s extreme sports illustrations. Or have a look at these editorial illustrations. Creating illustrations for The Clerkenwell Post.

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Have an illustration, design, or creative project that needs expert input? Haydn, specialising in Illustration, Branding, Editorial, and more, is here to assist! Get in touch today for a friendly conversation to ignite your project, no matter its size.

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