I hope you’re having a great week so far, I’m really looking forward to showing you these brand new gouache portrait paintings that I produced recently.
I’ve had a busy week so far, as I was commissioned to take part in an innovative workshop in Coventry. Working with a company that encourages other organisations to implement a long term culture of innovation, I was asked to sketch ideas that I overheard on the day. It was a really exciting experience for me, and required me to sketch really fast, and get all the ideas out onto paper. I learnt a lot from the experience, and hopefully I can show you a few images some time in the future!
But back to this blog post, taking inspiration from gouache portrait paintings and the hit television show of The Walking Dead, I’ve recently produced these two portraits that you can see below.
Like most of my illustrations, this was made with gouache, watercolour, and digital, and showcases the characters of Rick Grimes and Glenn Rhee (played by Andrew Lincoln and Steven Yuen). I love the television show, and was inspired to produce portraits of my favourite characters.
Gouache Portrait Paintings – Rick Grimes & Glenn Rhee
Similar to when I illustrated the portraits from the main characters of Breaking Bad (what a good television show that is!), I want to produce all the characters from The Walking Dead too (might take me a while however).
These two Walking Dead portraits are very similar in many ways, as I have used a limited colour palette to illustrate these characters. Limited colour palettes has always been a favourite of mine, as it helps me keep track of my colour.
I find that if I use every colour under the sun, it makes my paintings confused and to keep focus, I use a limited colours. With these two gouache portrait paintings, you can see that I’ve used a limited colour palette of cold colours and a couple of warm colours, which I really enjoy using.
I can continually see my illustration style improve, and with practice, I can continue to evolve my style, and better serve you guys with more breath taking illustrations (if that’s ever possible haha).
If you’re a particular fan of these gouache portrait paintings, you can get your hands on it over on my Shop. Available as original art prints for your home, perfect as a gift to a partner, friend or family member.
All art prints come wrapped in cellophane sleeves and a piece of cardboard for extra protection, and offers fast delivery for all customers.
I’m really happy with these two portraits, but I’ll love to know what you think of the illustrations! Give me a comment below, it’ll be great to hear from you! If you would like to improve and enhance your gouache paintings, check out this complete guide.
Many thanks for listening and visiting my news page today. You can follow what I’m up to on my Twitter, Facebook or Instagram pages, I’ll really appreciate it if you do, and don’t be afraid to say hi to me! Many thanks again, and have a great day!