From my previous water colour illustration, I wanted to experiment with using both watercolor and gouache equally in one painting.
Currently, I start the image off with applying some water colour, and working the gouache on top of this. I really enjoy this way of working, but it’s always good to experiment with other methods, so with today’s post I have developed both gouache and water colour equally.
With this image I applied the water colour, and added areas of gouache on top, showing more of the watercolor beneath the gouache surface.
However, the gouache seems to take over the image, and its hard to translate the water colour through this.
I think with next time, I’ll apply the water colour and gouache the same way, but then work back into this with water colour, and see what results I can achieve.
I always think it’s important for me to experiment alongside my commissioned work, so I can learn and try new things out.
If you would like to improve your gouache paintings, check out this complete guide. Many thanks for listening and visiting my news page today. You can follow what I’m up to on my Twitter, Facebook or Google + pages, I’ll really appreciate it if you do, and don’t be afraid to say hi to me! Many thanks again, and have a great day!