I’ve just produced this painting entitled ‘Signs’, inspired by a car journey back from Cornwall in the last week or so. From my personal sketchbook, which I always carry around with me so I can draw and note things down at any opportunity, I was inspired to paint an image from one of these sketchbook pages. I keep a sketchbook as I tend to forget ideas and concepts, if it’s not down on paper. That’s a bad thing about having a bad memory (actually what are the positives)? Anyway, from my car journey back, I drew things from outside the car window and started to get inspired by what I saw, and started experimented with these visuals. This sometimes resulted in making interesting and sometimes weird images. I’ve recently gone through a bit of a change within my sketchbook and what I produce inside them. Previously, I used to be very precious about my sketchbook, but recently however, I have become the opposite of this, and produce anything I want to produce, and fuel images like this!
Below shows my sketchbook pages from the journey, and shows one page which turned into the final illustration of ‘Signs’. I was appealed to how many road and informational signs I saw, and thought of the concept of having lots of signs on one stretch of road. This is meant to be a quite playful image that looks at how our world is changing to show information, information and more information for us to take in.
Many thanks for listening and visiting my news page today. You can follow what I’m up to on my Twitter, Facebook or Google + pages, I’ll really appreciate it if you do, and don’t be afraid to say hi to me! Many thanks again, and have a great day!

Signs Illustration & Sketchbook Pages