Fan of The Walking Dead television series?
Love illustrated portraits?
Look no further than this blog post!
Taking inspiration and in comparison to my Breaking Bad portrait series, including Walter White, Jesse Pinkman (my favourite character), to classic Hector Salamanca, I set myself a personal project to illustrate all the main characters from the The Walking Dead.
I love producing illustrated portraits and love the show – making the perfect combination!
This Walking Dead portrait series isn’t complete yet, but it’s my aim to create a portrait of every main character from the show. It’s an addictive eternity, as it’s a lot of fun producing them!
If you follow my Instagram acount or Facebook page, you can see how much I draw, paint and illustrate portraits. I’m too not sure why this is, but the challenge to get someone’s face correct is what I’m drawn to (pun not intended!).
These illustrations show portaits of Rick Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Michonne and the newest addition of Daryl Dixon.
All of these illustrated portraits of the Walking Dead have been painted with gouache, watercolour and edited digitally. Even though I love experimenting with different mediums and materials (something which I want to do more of!) this is certainly my ‘go to’ style.
Gouache and watercolour is my preferred medium as I can work into it and treat it like acrylic and oil paint. Acrylic paint is plastic based, which means you can’t work into it after it’s dried, and oil just takes far too long to dry without adding thinners.
Gouache paint offers nice matte colours and is easy on the eye – and it seems to help my colour combination too. I usually work with my favourite Windsor and Newton gouache paints.
Illustrated Portraits Inspiration
I’m heavily inspired and influenced by the classical works of Rembrandt and Caravaggio, who use dark backgrounds and light foregrounds to paint their portraits or figurative work. I’m really drawn to this painting style as it suits my illustration style.
I’ll looking to add more illustrations to this Walking Dead portrait series in the future, with my next planned illustrated portrait of Morgan Jones (or Lennie James) from the show.
I’ve watched five seasons of The Walking Dead, however I haven’t watched it recently, as other shows have seemed caught my attention. But I still love it – just need to get back into it!
Hope you like these illustrations and this portrait collection so far, they have all been very fun to create and illustrate.
If you liked this article check out my previous blog posts, giving advice on creativity, freelancing and is a place where I share my new illustration and design work. If you have a creative project that you want to discuss, head over to my contact page to get your project started.
Cheers guys and enjoy the post!
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