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https://www.haydnsymons.com/blog/learn-how-to-draw-like-a-master/ 1 Expert Tip To Help You Learn How To Draw Like A Master English Do you want to learn how to draw? If you’re an illustrator, artist or designer, having a good drawing skill is essential. From expressing a new concept to helping you draw that perfect storyboard, a solid drawing skill is imperative... https://www.haydnsymons.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/how-to-draw.png 2023-02-12

1 Expert Tip To Help You Learn How To Draw Like A Master

Do you want to learn how to draw?

If you’re an illustrator, artist or designer, having a good drawing skill is essential.

From expressing a new concept to helping you draw that perfect storyboard, a solid drawing skill is imperative in the creative industry.

Within this blog post you will discover my number one expert tip to help you learn how to draw and elevate your drawing skill to the next level. This post is aimed at drawing beginners, but even if you’re a seasoned drawing pro, this tip can still help you. You will discover the tip that has helped my own drawing technique and skill, which you can ultilise and become a master at drawing!

A Little Background About Myself

I’ve been consistently drawing everyday for as long as I can remember. From drawing portraits, landscapes to sketching ideas, it has become an addictive habit that I can’t shake off.

It’s this practice and commitment to drawing that has vastly improved my drawing skill. I’m always trying to adapt and evolve and it’s an ever growing specimen!

If you’re unfamiliar with myself, you can see some of my drawings on my portfolio. I love drawing, and it’s a big passion of mine. As an illustrator, drawing comes hand in hand (being an illustrator who can’t draw doesn’t really work!).

As a result, I thought it would be a good idea to share my knowledge to help your drawing skill.

And if that’s not much of a motivation, here’s how my much own drawing technique has improved from 2004 – (14 years of practice right there)!

How To Draw

So what’s my 1 tip to help learn how to you draw like an expert?

Draw From Life & Observation

This is hands down the best way to help your drawing skill, and help you learn how to draw too.

But why do I recommend it?

When you draw from 2D images, let’s say you’re drawing a cat photograph that you found from the internet (this had me in stitches!), this is an easier way of drawing – as you’re copying a 2D image, to a 2D drawing surface (your drawing).

The problem when drawing from 2D images is that it doesn’t help you get familiar with form and real life objects. It’s much harder drawing from real life. This is why I always recommend beginners draw from 3D objects (the real world – not cat images).

But why does this help you learn how to draw?

As objects have real tones, they have real form, and they are harder to capture onto a 2D surface. You’re taking a 3D object (lets say you’re drawing your cat), and transferring and rendering it onto your drawing material (2D surface).

When you draw from a photograph, you can pretty much copy it. However drawing from life requires you to focus and look at a subject before putting pencil to paper.

Once you can get a grasp of how to draw from 3D objects, you will see your drawing skill improve vastly.

Self Portrait

It really is that powerful, and that’s why I think it’s the most important tip to help you succeed.

Whilst I was at University, I got it drilled into me that life drawing was exponential to a solid drawing skill, and this is the reason why.

So what can you draw from the real world to start you off?

I recommend you draw individual static objects. Even though I joked earlier about drawing your cat, I wouldn’t recommend drawing animals, people or things that move – as you’ll get frustrated pretty quickly.

You want to draw something which is set in stone and doesn’t move.

For this drawing practice, here’s a good list of things that you can draw from, which are all common in most households;

– A lampshade
– Your laptop, tablet to computer mouse
– A piece of food – apple, banana, potato
– Cutlery, cooking pan, a plate
– Your hands, your feet, or looking in the mirror and recording your self portrait

But How Should You Begin To Draw From These Objects?

Let’s say you’re drawing your lampshade.

What I want you to do is to draw the lampshade and nothing else. Even though you may be tempted to draw the environment it sits in (maybe it has a bookshelf next to it, it’s next to your favourite coffee mug), it’s important that you only draw individual objects for now.

Sketchbook Photograph

Particularly for drawing beginners, if you draw a whole environment, it can become overwhelming. So stick with drawing one object at a time.

– First of all, get a sense of where the light is coming from, the dark areas of the object, and how it sits. Look at the object you are drawing.

– Quickly draw a light rough line sketch, that helps you break the dreaded white space of your drawing paper. Correct any mistakes and see if your drawing is matching up with the object.

– Afterwards, start to form your drawings with different tones, with the focus on contrast and light and shade.

– Keep looking back and forth at the object and your drawing. Remember that you want to really look at the object, and not just draw what you think you see, but what you actually see (there’s a difference).

Beginners tend to make their drawings all one shade, but in reality this isn’t the case! Remember: contrast, contrast, contrast! Keep this practice up by picking one object in your home and drawing it, and you’ll see your drawing skill rocket exponentially! Draw what you see, not what you think you see.

Learning How To Draw With This One Expert Tip

It all comes down to practice: the more you practice and refine your drawing skill, the more confident and effortless it becomes.

Even if you decide to keep drawing from 2D images (like the funny cat image that I mentioned earlier!), this is much better than not drawing at all.

Drawing is all about having fun, and if you’re having fun you’ll be more likely to keep practicing and drawing in the long term.

If you want to take your drawing to the next level, draw from life.

I’ll love to find out what you think about this blog post guys. Comment below with your own drawing advice for beginners, write your thoughts or share your drawings that you have produced – I’ll love to see them!

If you’re unfamiliar with my illustration work, do head on over to my portfolio, where I share my editorial, publishing to design work. Or hit me up on the social media links below!

Cheers guys, and happy drawing!

Many thanks for listening and visiting my news page today. You can follow what I’m up to on my Twitter, Facebook or Google + pages, I’ll really appreciate it if you do, and don’t be afraid to say hi to me! Many thanks again, and have a great day!

1 Expert Tip To Help You Learn How To Draw Like A Master

Haydn Symons

Freelance Illustrator Haydn Symons - Freelance Illustrator For Hire
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