Just finished this very interesting editorial about food and calories. “People make healthier menu choices when calories are listed beside each item – but they make even better choices when they’re told how far they’d have to walk to burn off the calories consumed’.
Found this article very insightful and truthful, we probably would eat better if we knew how long we would have to walk it off. I really enjoy editorial illustrations as I love coming up with interesting ideas, as I believe I am quite a conceptual illustrator.
It’s important for editorial illustrations to be powerful and tell its concept straight away, which hopefully I’ve done here. Showing the idea of A to B on a burger, I wonder how long it would take to burn off a burger. Worth a Google!
An interesting editorial article which I’ve never thought about myself. Away from editorials and illustrations, sorry about the lack of updates on this page as I’m switching to a WordPress blog, which will still be on this page. Hopefully this new format will be more effective and show more images per post, which the blog really needs!
Many thanks for listening and visiting my news page today. You can follow what I’m up to on my Twitter, Facebook or Google + pages, I’ll really appreciate it if you do, and don’t be afraid to say hi to me! Many thanks again, and have a great day!