I’ve always really enjoyed the film ’12 Angry Men’, and think it’s one of the best films ever created, just for the fact of the great story, and because it’s all shot in one single room.
We don’t really see that anymore, which is a shame, but I wanted to produce a poster for this film as I feel that passionately about it.
If you haven’t checked out the film yet, please do, it’s well worth a watch! The film’s plot is about a jury who has to make a decision about a boy who has been accused of murder.
Within my design, I have used a knife as the main part of my poster as this is what the boy supposedly used to kill his victim. Within my sketchbook, I developed the idea of showing a face within the knife, (which hopefully you can see), as one man on the jury didn’t think that the boy was guilty, and the story unfolds from there.
I had other ideas which are shown below, but I thought this composition and knife angle worked best. I really enjoyed producing this illustration and I’m happy about the end result.
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