FXHost, a website hosting company, asked Haydn to produce a logo design and brand identity. Their current brand had become tired and needed refreshing. The brand identity stretches from digital, right through to direct mailers and print.
The company craved a fun, energetic and modern looking identity. FXHost had always used a fox and the colour red, so it was important to keep these elements intact. Like all logo design projects, Haydn created hundreds of sketchbook drawings. The sketchbook is ideal to experiment and to arrive at the best solution. Tying this back to the audience and what this company offers.
The logo crest communicates the company’s charm and wit. The fox illustration works especially well as a motif. Additionally, the fox is designed using circles from the golden ratio. The final artworks include a brand identity kit, illustrations and final logo.
If you liked this design, check out this typographic illustration for ScoutsUK. Equally, take a browse through Haydn’s logo designs for Dance 4 Fitness.