I’ve been meaning to replace the illustration on my contact page for a while now, and have changed it for this new telephone illustration, which I think sums up me and my ‘style’ better than the previous image. While producing this, I thought it would be a good idea to show you guys a step by step process of how I construct my paintings and illustrations, and for you to get a bit of insight into my working process. As this was a rather straight forward image to record, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to show you my process.
I begin with placing watercolour on the paper surface, and choosing a colour which will be my main source, and with this painting, using a warm colour of red. From here, I cover the watercolour with gouache, which will be my main background for the image. You may think that the watercolour step is pointless, but the watercolour allows me to ‘break in’ the paper before the gouache step. I generally allow my paintings to have rough edges, as they get cropped when I scan the final paintings into Photoshop.
Following on from this, I sketch out the subject and loosely paint my main colours within these areas. This is where I really enjoy the painting process, as I feel that I’m getting somewhere with the painting. From here, I work with small brushes and paint those details, changing the colour of the piece in some areas. Arriving to the end of the piece, I finish the painting, scan this into Photoshop and edit the piece. You can see that I have edited a couple of things from the final artwork, and generally clean the image up.
And that’s it! I hope you’ve enjoyed this step by step process of how I construct my illustration’s and painting’s!
Many thanks for listening and visiting my news page today. You can follow what I’m up to on my Twitter, Facebook or Google + pages, I’ll really appreciate it if you do, and don’t be afraid to say hi to me! Many thanks again, and have a great day!