Here’s a quick post for me today of a fancy little robin illustration, produced with gouache and watercolour. As I’m getting prepared for a craft fair coming up next week, I’m producing more illustrations and particularly greetings cards than I ever had, that’s why your seeing a lot of updates of the card design nature.
I wanted to produce a card which was neutral and could suit any occasion, so I thought of painting a stand only robin. (I think he’s very well behaved for a robin, he stands still very well). I’m very much looking forward to this fair, and I hope you can join me, it’s at London Street United Reformed Church, Basingstoke, RG21 7NU, on Saturday 9th November, which runs from 10am through till 4pm.
It would be great to meet a few of you there, so if you can join me please do. I’ve also heard that they have a all day cafe running alongside the fair, so if that doesn’t wet your appetite I don’t know what will!
I will be putting these cards onto my SHOP for you to buy also, but will probably be after this craft fair, just so I know what stock I have left from it.
Many thanks for listening and visiting my news page today. You can follow what I’m up to on my Twitter, Facebook or Google + pages, I’ll really appreciate it if you do, and don’t be afraid to say hi to me! Many thanks again, and have a great day!

Robin Illustration Card Design